Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I'm still here!

Hey it's me! I'm alive! I know, it's been ridiculously long. I'm not even sure anyone noticed, because I'm kind of talking to myself I'm pretty sure. What with this being not only a neglected, but new blog. It's cool, talking to myself is nothing new to me. 

I have reasons for my absence though. So here they are:
1) Made the big move to Florida
2) Got a new job (Boo, work)
3) And most Kindle broke. I know, it's been hard to deal with. I'm still in the grieving process.

So, with all that happening, I haven't been able to read as much as I'd like to. However, Ms. Shelly Crane has made me re-evaluate my time management with her recent release of Revolution, the final book in her Collide series. Say WHAT?! So that'll be my next review. So be on the lookout...I say to myself.  

I'll probably tell Gus too, because I tell him everything. He's a great listener. Never interrupts. And easy on the eyes too...
He's my love.<3