Monday, May 14, 2012

Reason to Breathe

by Rebecca Donovan
Visit her website:

I wrote the following review immediately after I read Reason to Breathe nearly a year ago:

Let me start by saying this is the first time I have EVER submitted a product review of any kind. I'm definitely not new to YA stories and I have my Kindle with me at all times. This is a big deal for me, so that should be an indication of where I'm heading with this...

I have never been on such an emotional roller coaster from a story in my life! This book was absolutely breath taking! I have been completely useless since I purchased this book last night and could only bring myself to step away from it long enough get a couple hours of sleep. I connected with the characters deeply and loved getting to know them. I will admit that I wanted to throw my Kindle across the room a few times, both from the unfairness of this poor girl's story and the fact that the other characters just DIDN'T UNDERSTAND what she was going through. My jaw got sore from clenching my teeth so hard whenever Carol stepped into the room and I had tears in my eyes when she left Emma to deal with whatever she decided to leave her with. Oh, but the happy times (there were many, this was not a downer of a story at all) had me laughing out loud!

The ending is...overwhelming...and frustrating (to say the least)! I'm having a hard time bringing myself to choose other books to read as I wait patiently (ahem...) for the sequel because I can't bring myself to step away from Emma. As tormented as I am to know what will happen next, I refuse to let go of the hope that keeps me rooting for her.

Fantastic story telling Ms. Donovan! This book moved me in a way I was not prepared for. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to the sequel to Reason to Breathe.

Now, as I read the, ahem... not so patiently waited for 2nd book in the Breathing series, Barely Breathing, I can't help but wonder if poor Emma will ever catch a break. I feel so sorry for her on one hand, but on the other, I just want to grab her by the shoulders and shake some sense into the girl!  She's got those same, if not more, trust issues. The story has taken so many turns that I feel like I could get emotional whiplash at any moment. Just when I think nothing else could possibly go wrong for this girl, there it goes again, a twist I never saw coming. I'm not a crier, but I'll freely admit that I had tears rolling down my face at one point in this one. A full review of Barely Breathing will be coming shortly.

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